About Us
1st Woodville (St Stephens) Scout Group is located in Woodville in the Heart of the National Forest in South Derbyshire. Originally founded in 1945 by Reverend Arnould Herbert Hurt, the vicar at St Stephens Church between 1945 and 1959 and the father of the famous actor John Hurt CBE. The group just started with a handful of Scouts and now has grown to a thriving group of three sections and over 80 youth members, leaders and helpers. The celebrated its 70th Anniversary in September 2015 and continues to grow year on year.
Adventure and fun is at the heart of everything we do. It is the single most important thing that sets Scouts apart. Through the everyday adventure of Scouting, young people and adult volunteers of the 1st Woodville (St Stephens) Scout Group regularly experience new challenges that enrich their lives.
Scouting helps our young improve their key skills, including social skills, teamwork ability, leadership ability and confidence.
Our varied and exciting programme offers hundreds of activities, from camping and hiking to surfing and paragliding. Young people can also achieve their badges in such diverse subjects as PR, electronics and entertainment. Scouting is a unique adventure that’s full of surprises.
We pride ourselves on being at the heart of our community ...
The group plays an active part in our district and community with strong links to the Swadlincote Branch of the British Legion, Woodville Methodist Church, Woodville St. Stephens Church and Woodville Parish Council. We are also regular supporters of the Moira Canal Festival, providing volunteers for the event.
It's not just about the kids ...
Our volunteers also enjoy the benefits of Scouting by learning new skills, making new friends and enjoying a social life with a purpose. There are hundreds of different volunteer roles on offer, from management positions, running activities to behind the scenes roles like driving the minibus or painting and decorating.
Volunteering for Scouting is one of the most fun, rewarding and positive things you can ever do. You can give as much or a little time you like and we will match opportunities that fit your skills and time available. If you would like to have fun and make friends, earn professional qualifications and make a real difference to the lives of young people please contact us by using the form at the bottom of this page.
‘Like me I’m sure you fit your volunteering around a very busy lifestyle, but my mum used to say if you want something doing ask a busy person. I’d really like to say a massive thank you to you on behalf of all the young people who benefit from Scouting. It’s basically because of what you do. Together you make the adventure possible.’ Bear Grylls, UK Chief Scout

Our Sections
joining and waiting lists ...
As much as we would like to take all children as soon as they are interested in joining a section, we only have a limited supply of leaders and have to set safe limits on the number attending meetings.
From time to time, all of the Sections run joining lists for new members for the group. Even if the section you are interested in has a waiting list please use the Enquire links above to express an interest and have your child added to our waiting list, the section leader will be able to give you an estimate of when a place will become available.
Existing Members
Existing members of the Group whose subscriptions are up to date are automatically moved up to the next section as they become old enough.
Adults and Helpers
We are always on the look out for new adults and helpers for all our sections so there is never a waiting list. Whether you want to take up a uniformed role or help out on an occasional basis in a non uniform role you will be most welcome. Please contact the Group Scout Leader by emailing gsl.1stwoodville@gmail.com. Don’t worry, we don’t throw you in a the deep end straight away and the Scout Association has a comprehensive training programme to develop you in the role you choose particularly if you want to work directly with our Beavers, Cubs or Scouts.
Here at 1st Woodville (St. Stephens) Scout Group we have opportunities for DofE participants looking to undertake the community elements of their awards.
DofE participants can apply to take on the role of a young leader or adult leader working directly with a section for an agreed period of time. Full induction and training will be provided including support to complete Module A (Young Leader Training Scheme, more info see https://members.scouts.org.uk/supportresources/search/?cat=9,98) or Modules 1, 2 and 2 (Adult Training Scheme, more info see https://members.scouts.org.uk/supportresources/search/?cat=23).
In addition, you will also be encouraged to complete optional training, appropriate to the roles, such as First Aid, Safeguarding and Health and Safety.
Those aged over-18 wanting to apply for a role are also required to undergo the normal safeguarding checks (personal enquiry and DBS).
For more information or an informal chat please contact the Group Scout Leader by email gsl.1stwoodville@gmail.com.

"Helping in the community makes me feel I have achieved something," says A, a 14-year-old Scout. "we did a sleep out to raise money on World Homeless Day. I met homeless people and saw for myself the problems they face."

Get In Touch
1st Woodville (St. Stephens) Scout Group
Rose Hill
DE11 8DF
Google Maps https://goo.gl/maps/2t5eVBNpVX62